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The need for speed

No speed packageseilis-garvey-0LLQi3xKJ3A-unsplash.jpg

WillaMesh does not offer Internet service with different speed package bundles. Instead, network participants pay a per gigabyte cost based on what they use. We find that this pricing model is superior for a number of reasons:

  1. It is more equitable because those who use more, pay more for that access. By the same token, if you don't use the network, you won't be paying for bandwidth.
  2. Participants are not forced to choose slower speed packages because they are concerned about what they will have to pay each month.
  3. Network use is directly proportional to the revenue that the network generates. This makes it very easy to figure out the busiest parts of the network and use the revenues to improve the network's quality and capacity.
  4. If you don't use very much